What’s the Big Fuss About Hilokal?

2 yeas back, a friend of mine introduced me to an app for language interaction and learning called Hilokal. At the beginning, I had no idea that it is also possible to teach there. After learning about becoming a trainer and applying for it, I was approved to become one. Some of the classes that I have on Hilokal are as follows:
1. Listening practice tables: in which we listen to an audio excerpt and then try to repeat what was said. Then we will discuss the grammar and new vocab. (if any) We do beat around the bush in this kind of tables.
2. Idioms and expressions: in which you can learn about topic-based (such as colors, animals, etc.) idioms and expand your knowledge of the expressions.
3. Emoji games: in which we play a fun game with emojis. Players are supposed to pick random emojis at the start of the game. Then we will take turns making up mini stories about two emojis each person. This table makes your imagination go wild!
4. Discussion and conversation tables: in which we discuss and have Q&A about a wide range of topics. Learners get more chances to talk in this kind of tables.
5. Grammar tables: in which we attempt to learn a certain common grammar and make lots of examples so that the stuff we learn will get consolidated in our memories.
Join my free Hilokal tables by first installing the app, then searching my name there and subscribing to my classes. (It’s easy)